Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Mucchad Paanwala

Mucchad Paanwala, originally uploaded by Nameet.

This man is know as Mucchad [ A man with a Mustache] paanwala.. [ paan = beetle leaf]. The small shop that he owns was started by his father 24 years ago.. and now his son [seen in the picture] sits and handles business.. their trademark being obvious, The Mustache! o also.. this guy owns a website.. funny stuff :o)

Whistling devotee

Whistling devotee, originally uploaded by Nameet.

Ganpati Visarjan, Mumbai, August 2006

Prayer at Ajmer

Prayer at Ajmer portrait, originally uploaded by Nameet.

When we pray, we are bound together by pure energy..

Follow the Eyes

Follow the Eyes, originally uploaded by Nameet.

One must respect Black.
Nothing prostitutes it.
It does not please the eye or awaken another sense.
It is the agent of the minds even more than the beautiful color of the palette.
~ Odilon Redon